We use Germanium transistors which were the first type of transistor generally available in the early 1960s. There are several types but we found that the NKT 275 to have the best Fuzz tone.
The transistors are selected according to our parameters, but even then we have added a bias pot because this type of transistor is likely to drift over a period of time or in varying temperatures. We also use Carbon Composition resistors just like the original Germanium Fuzz Face™ pedals.


The Overdrive Special has a wide range of tones and can be used from clean boost to large amounts of distortion. A good initial set up would be to simply adjust the Gain controls to minimum and the output almost full.
Channel One will give you a clean boost.
Channel Two, with more Gain than Channel One, will result in a crunch tone.
For more distortion turn up either Gain 1 or Gain 2, but remember to turn the volume down to balance your by-pass volume. If you wish for even more, the Boost control is there at every setting – just switch it in and adjust to the amount you want.
For more experienced guitarists, the pedal works nicely in conjunction with the guitar volume pot, so those crunch tones can be achieved by adjusting the guitar volume pot back slightly before setting up the pedal gain.
Whatever style of music you play, the Cornell-Overdrive Special has all you need for guitar lead playing.

Caution: you will need to pass a playing ability test before using the Boost Switch. A certificate will be awarded to those meeting the required standard. Operation of this switch is likely to cause war with any neighbouring public if used by any unqualified personnel.


Treble and Middle Boost Pedal
The middle control will increase the middle response as you turn it up, so the more middle the fatter or thicker the sound.
The treble controls the high frequency response, but when you increase the treble control the sound also gets fatter or thicker.
The Gain control sets the volume of the Middle and Treble, but you will get a crunch-type distortion with the gain full up. This will vary depending on the output from the pickups of your guitar.
Back view showing the internal components and the easy-fit battery compartment, the battery can be changed using your thumb nail or plectrum.

Caution: For safety reasons remember the Treble response is at its highest when the control is down. Should you increase the Gain with the Treble in this position there is a danger of cutting the heads off your audience.

The Cornell-TM Boost will get the best out of your amp without adjusting the controls for each song, just use the Cornell-TM Boost, set the tone and then simply switch it on. Remember that with the True Bypass there are 3 completely different tone responses.
This is more than just another pedal – it's a tool that you'll discover is irreplaceable.